Photographer Captures Incredible Battle Between Hawk and Owl
Photographer Jack Lodge has spent over 30 evenings and early mornings with barn owls in the U.K. but has never witnessed anything as dramatic as what he captured last weekend.
Photographer Jack Lodge has spent over 30 evenings and early mornings with barn owls in the U.K. but has never witnessed anything as dramatic as what he captured last weekend.
Here's a fun little video to help you get over hump day and on to the second half of the week. A weather camera at the top of a tower in Nebraska got an unexpected visit from a curious hawk this week.
Photographer Christopher Schmidt was out flying his quadcopter at Magazine Beach Park in Cambridge, Massachusetts earlier this week when his humming drone drew some unwanted attention. No, not the police. Nor a neighbor with a shotgun. It was a hawk that wasn't too happy with another flying "creature" invading its territory.
With the rise in popularity and drop in price of high speed cameras, more and more incredible footage is getting captured of events our human brain would otherwise be unable to see in such detail.
And today, we have yet another one of those events, the protagonist being a Goshawk and the victim being a water balloon baited with a piece of the soon-to-be-dinner that, we'll be honest, never stood a chance.