
Wedding Photography vs. Videography: Pros and Cons

So you’re about to shoot someone’s wedding. That’s amazing -- it’s an incredible opportunity to be part of one of the most intimate and beautiful experiences in human love. But between photography and videography, which medium gets the job done?

Low Contrast Lens Filters: What They are and Why You Should Use Them

As the name of the filter alludes to, these lens filters do indeed lower the overall contrast of a shot. To clarify what that means in relation to photography: these filters will reduce the darkness of the shadows by allowing light to bleed into them from surrounding highlights.

Every Best Cinematography Oscar Winner from 1929 to 2019

The 2019 Oscars are just a day away now. If you'd like a dose of visual inspiration, check out this 10-minute video by Burger Fiction. It steps through every single film that won the "Best Cinematography" Oscar over the past 90 years, from 1929 to 2018 (and 2019 nominees as well).

Shooting 4K Log on the iPhone with Filmic Pro

Sometimes people ask me why I started shooting videos on a phone and the answer is not that easy. I believe the best camera is the one we always have with us, in our pocket. Maybe it's not the most powerful of course, but at least we can bring it with us all the time.