Photo of Steaming Hot Buns Wins Food Photographer of the Year
A photograph taken in a rural area of China showing a woman making a huge portion of dim sum has won the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2024.
A photograph taken in a rural area of China showing a woman making a huge portion of dim sum has won the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2024.
The uncanny valley's hungry cousin is coming for food photography, it seems. A recent study found people view AI-generated images of food more appealing.
Uber Eats is apparently AI-generating images of food from restaurants that don't have pictures on its app -- and getting them wrong.
Acclaimed food photographer Aubrie Pick has died at the age of 42 after a brief battle with an aggressive form of cancer.
McDonald's and Wendy's have defeated a lawsuit that accused the fast food chains of making its burgers look bigger in ad photos than they actually are.
Between inflation and "shrinkflation," consumers are getting the short end of the stick these days. As the rich get richer, regular folks face a litany of anti-consumer practices, not the least of which are misleading food photos at restaurants.
CNBC's Make It is a series focusing on younger people and personal finance. This week, the show featured a food photographer who has only been a full-time shooter since 2020.
After years of people taking the time to meticulously capture their meals before taking a single bite, Yelp is looking to bring on an official food photographer.
A disgruntled customer has sued Taco Bell after his Mexican Pizza did not look like the one advertised in the company's promotional photos.
A commercial photographer has taken to YouTube to debunk some of the myths that exist around high-end food and drink photography -- perpetuated by a TikTok account.
Product photography is often considered one of the most complicated and challenging genres. Besides having the right lenses and props to decorate the shot, you'll need a variety of light shaping options to create the best looking photos. This is where the $399 Halumin H18 Soft Light brings something interesting to the table.
The winners of the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2023 have been announced with a striking portrait of a cotton candy seller taking home over $6,000.
Syrp Lab has released a new video to help videographers capture mouth-watering food footage, although the tips and tricks also apply to still photography.
Eric Wolfinger wanted to be a chef but became a self-trained food photographer. In the last 15 years, he has captured food for 25 cookbooks, editorial and commercial clients, and traveled the world doing food photography.
Food photography is one of the easiest photography disciplines to start out with. You can arrange food however you like. It doesn’t scamper away mid-shoot and doesn’t get tired. It’s also relatively contained and easy to practice.
A company has launched the first artificially intelligent (AI) image generator for food photos.
A cutting-edge food commercial firm has revealed some of the complex photography tricks it uses for shoots.
Miyazaki Wagyu, or Miyazakigyu, is considered one of the top brands of Japanese Wagyu. To celebrate a recent win at the Wagyu Olympics, the company created what it calls "meat models" of four World Heritage landscapes out of its exemplary beef.
Food stylist and creative director Anna Keville Joyce provides a glimpse into the intricate world of fresh food art and shares her vast experience from her time working on a large number of film and photography projects worldwide.
McDonald’s and Wendy’s are being sued by a New York man who claims that advertisements for their burgers look much bigger than they actually are.
The Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2022 has announced the winning images that showcase the best photos that feature food from around the world.
A group of customers has filed a lawsuit against the fast-food chain Burger King alleging that the company's advertising photos make the food look bigger than what they were served up in reality.
When starting out as a food photographer, it’s tempting to go all-out on prop shopping. You can end up spending an absurd amount of money on delicate handmade props thinking that they will single-handedly turn our photos into something spectacular.
Despite a nearly two-year global supply chain shortage, Nikon has been making good on the company's promise to deliver a plethora of new lenses for the mirrorless Z system. Filling in most of the missing gaps from the F-mount lineup with greatly improved lenses, this time with a unique and affordable "in-between" focal length lens for everyday use, the $297 40mm f/2 Z.
If you're wondering how you can shoot some stunning Christmas food photography, try shooting with holiday festive lights. In this video, I will go through in detail how to shoot with Christmas fairy lights. These lights will bring some festive spirit to your food photography and add sparkle to your Instagram feed this holiday season.
If you follow food photographers on Instagram, I am sure you have seen some of the light or what I would describe as "airy" food photos that are popular at the moment.
Looking to improve your food photos ahead of this holiday season? If you stick to a few simple tips, there’s no reason why your photos shouldn’t go from no-go to "wow."
Photographer Markus Hofstätter -- known for his collodion wet-plate photography expertise -- decided to try something different and used the 170-year old shooting process to capture incredibly detailed high-end food photos.
I have made many DIY backgrounds for my photography. Honestly, too many. It gets really addictive. If you have been thinking of creating some for yourself or how you can improve your photography collection for very little money, these tips on creating your own DIY background are going to be super helpful.
As photographers, we generally aim to shoot perfectly to where our photos require minimal to no editing. But for some of us, the editing process can be just as creative of a process as the photography side.