Bokeh: A Photographer’s Guide
As photographers, when we hear the word "bokeh", we probably already have a visual in our mind of its meaning. Since bokeh can be somewhat abstract and subjective, describing it can be difficult.
As photographers, when we hear the word "bokeh", we probably already have a visual in our mind of its meaning. Since bokeh can be somewhat abstract and subjective, describing it can be difficult.
If your camera has an Electronic Front-Curtain Shutter (EFCS) feature and it's turned on, here's something you might want to know: it could be giving you noticeably worse bokeh when you're shooting at faster shutter speeds. Photographer Manny Ortiz shows the difference in the 4.5-minute video above.
“Perfect photographs do not move the heart.”– David DuChemin, The Vision Driven Photographer
This is one of my favourite photography quotes, in fact one of my favourite quotes generally.
I recently wrote an article about 8 Reasons You Should Buy A 50mm f/1.8 Lens and one part was about using it with the "El Bokeh Wall." What's an El Bokeh Wall? It's using some aluminum foil to add beautiful bokeh to the background of your photos. Here's a full tutorial on the technique.
Want a blurry background for your portraits on-demand, whether or not you're using a fast lens? Or maybe you are using a fast portrait lens, but you want to shoot with it stopped down to the sharpest possible aperture without sacrificing that beautiful bokeh you're going for.
Well now you can now do that without having to put serious distance between your background and subject. Just pop up one of Lastolite's new Out of Focus Backgrounds.
A couple of weeks ago, we told you to mark June 18th on your calendars, because Adobe would be revealing "the next evolution of Creative Cloud." Well, we're still a few days away from the fateful keynote, but Adobe has given us a little teaser, showing us just one of the features that the Photoshop team has been working on for this major update.
Defined by Google as, “the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens,” Bokeh is a term that has become much more prominent in the past ten years or so than ever before, thanks to the photography community.
Claus Thiim captured this beautiful image of …
Next time you’re attend a fireworks display, try shooting your photographs or video out of focus. This video by …