
A close-up of a black device with a screen displaying various power-related information, including "Bookcase" and different voltage and current readings. Several cables and a 256GB SD card are connected to the device. The image includes a "PetaPixel Reviews" label.

Dockcase Studio Smart Hub Review: Eight Ports in One Small Dock

As a creative who often has to travel for my clients, the amount of gear and accessories needed to get a job done can often lead to a lot of headaches when trying to get everything connected to my laptop, especially if I'm shooting large campaigns where I need to ingest a ton of data.

The Espresso Display 17 Pro

Espresso Display 17 Pro 4K Review: You’ll Never Travel Without It Again

I like to think I have relatively basic needs when I'm traveling for work. But the one luxury I miss when traveling is a second monitor for my laptop, especially when I need to edit The PetaPixel Podcast. But with the Espresso Display 17 Pro 4K, a hotel room can be as effective a work location as my office at home. It's a transformative product for my workflow on the road.

USB-C is the Biggest Improvement the iPhone Has Ever Seen

Ah, that new iPhone smell is in the air, which means two things. Autumn, probably the best season for photography, is just around the corner. And two, Apple has stoked its hype train's engine and sent it roaring down the tracks, spewing buzzwords and fancy graphics at everyone it passes.

Nikon Stops Including Charging Cable Due to Chip Shortage

The semiconductor shortage is hitting the camera market in unexpected ways. According to an official notice published to Nikon Japan, the company says that it doesn't have the parts necessary to include the adapter that allows Z7 or Z7 II cameras to charge a battery in-camera.